Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly
/ Moving Theater

Trio Triage

Photo by John Houck

Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly
/ Moving Theater

Trio Triage

August 14, 2010

In Trio Triage, Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly delve into their complicated relationship with the trio as a machine of both choreography and desire. Known for site-specific projects, their collaborative work straddles contemporary dance, experimental theater, and visual art performance. In this new work, Gerard and Kelly turn their attention to the dance trio as a site in which multiple histories, identifications, desires, and subjectivities can emerge. Envisioning a love that is not (re)productive but in continual metamorphosis, Trio Triage tests the limits of the choreographic and imagines possibilities for human relations that extend beyond the couple.

“Provocative, poetic pieces”The New York Times