Brian Rogers /
The Chocolate Factory Theater

Hot Box

Photo courtesy of The Chocolate Factory Theater

Brian Rogers / The Chocolate Factory Theater

Hot Box

July 23, 2011

Inspired by films such as Apocalypse Now and Fitzcarraldo, Hot Box draws on a cinematic vocabulary of pans, zooms, and cuts to create a loudly violent live performance—and from within that chaos, a sustained stillness of video images coated with intense emotional residue.

A companion piece to the quietly minimalist Selective Memory, Hot Box is performed by Madeline Best, Brian Rogers, and Mike Rugnetta.

“Its connection of image and movement places it in the forefront of today’s many investigations of how video can connect with live performance.”  — Alastair Macaulay, The New York Times

“A message piece that is also a masterpiece.”  — Brian McCormick, Gay City News

About the Artists
Director and video artist Brian Rogers is Cofounder and Artistic Director of The Chocolate Factory Theater. Since 1997, he has conceived of and/or directed numerous large-scale theatrical performances, including the horror the horror (2010-11), and Selective Memory (2010-11). He also curates The Chocolate Factory’s Visiting Artist Program, which supports the work of more than 100 theater, dance, music, and multimedia artists each year.